Assignment 24 - TED Talk: How Photography Connects Us

           In many people mind, photography always just be a way to record some beautiful view during the journey or some important event of friends or family members. In the TED speech, David Griffen shows some deep means that one photography can have, he uses serval examples of photograph to explain that how those famous photographer use their camera to describe a story. In those famous photography he show, some of them are the portraits photograph that audience can directly think about the story that the related to them just from their outfits or appearances. 
          This is the deeper mean that a professional photographer always shows in their photograph. And it also let me thinking about the picture I have, I very interested in portraits photograph, but sometimes the image I captured are always superficial, I will always focus on the appearance of the people I shoot but not trying to appeal some story or deeper meaning. Moreover, the photograph will always show the photographer own mind and creative in it, the specific style of the photo will make it more attractive.
          Furthermore, some photographer will shoot a series of photo graph with captured different thing, and trying show one whole center mind. This is type of special way to made the distribution of photograph, and can made the audience view the picture more continuity. I want to use this from to build my portfolio.


  1. I appreciate your thoughts on portraiture and finding the deeper meaning that make individuals who they are - your last paragraph is a bit confusing to read - can you explain what you mean?


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