Sandy, the quality of the images is off - they all appear to have a haze over them. I don't know if it's the light or the settings on your camera. Also, the assignment was to create an image through abstraction that used the emotion. You have used human emotion as your visual so not something that is an abstract visual. Also, the word, in this case "love", was to be a part of the actual final image. I don't think I see it in any of these.
Sandy, the quality of the images is off - they all appear to have a haze over them. I don't know if it's the light or the settings on your camera. Also, the assignment was to create an image through abstraction that used the emotion. You have used human emotion as your visual so not something that is an abstract visual. Also, the word, in this case "love", was to be a part of the actual final image. I don't think I see it in any of these.