passion project proposal
- Describe your project. If you are doing a fine art/documentary series pretend that you are a freelance photographer and I am an art sponsor you are pitching an idea for funding. Use this paragraph to sell your idea to me so that I approve the funding needed to support you.
I will do a portrait with universe theme.I always trying to do capture some photos with special theme, It can be an album propaganda if there is a song that fit this concept. -
What is the purpose/meaning/story of your series? What do you hope viewer’s gain from your series?the reason I chose to shoot some picture with the universe is because I have a concept on it, the lonely astronaut, because everyone should have a period of time that no one can understand you, and no one can listen to you, and at that time, you are the only person in the universe.I think that every one in this world are live on their own way, and this way is like a small universe, and the people will be the astronaut in the universe. And the view in this universe should be special, may be it will have serval moon, whale, unicorn...
What photographer(s) are you drawing inspiration from? Include their sites. What about their photography drew you to them? What ideas/technics are you going to imitate from their work? How are you going to make yourself different than their work?a Chinese photographer named wate. I really love the universe them he put in his image,
I will use some of the theme but I will not choose the same concept with him.
What technical skill(s) will you be learning/further developing for this series?For sure is photoshop, but also composition.
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